VALENTINE'S DAY | Deluxe Bouquet


A bouquet as romantic as the season itself. Designed with a lush selection of fresh blooms in soft blush, pink, and white, this deluxe garden-style bouquet is wrapped beautifully in brown paper and tied with ribbon—ready for gifting. Thoughtfully arranged to feel effortless yet elegant, it’s the perfect way to say “I love you” with flowers.

Available for delivery or pickup Tenfold Collective in Lexington, SC. Limited quantities available—order now to reserve yours!


  • Designed with a mix of premium blooms

  • Color palette: blush, pink, and white

  • Wrapped in brown paper and tied with ribbon

  • Available for delivery or pickup from Tenfold Collective in Lexington (includes a hydration sleeve to keep blooms fresh)

Make this Valentine’s Day unforgettable with a bouquet that speaks from the heart. Quantities are limited, so order early to ensure availability!

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A bouquet as romantic as the season itself. Designed with a lush selection of fresh blooms in soft blush, pink, and white, this deluxe garden-style bouquet is wrapped beautifully in brown paper and tied with ribbon—ready for gifting. Thoughtfully arranged to feel effortless yet elegant, it’s the perfect way to say “I love you” with flowers.

Available for delivery or pickup Tenfold Collective in Lexington, SC. Limited quantities available—order now to reserve yours!


  • Designed with a mix of premium blooms

  • Color palette: blush, pink, and white

  • Wrapped in brown paper and tied with ribbon

  • Available for delivery or pickup from Tenfold Collective in Lexington (includes a hydration sleeve to keep blooms fresh)

Make this Valentine’s Day unforgettable with a bouquet that speaks from the heart. Quantities are limited, so order early to ensure availability!

A bouquet as romantic as the season itself. Designed with a lush selection of fresh blooms in soft blush, pink, and white, this deluxe garden-style bouquet is wrapped beautifully in brown paper and tied with ribbon—ready for gifting. Thoughtfully arranged to feel effortless yet elegant, it’s the perfect way to say “I love you” with flowers.

Available for delivery or pickup Tenfold Collective in Lexington, SC. Limited quantities available—order now to reserve yours!


  • Designed with a mix of premium blooms

  • Color palette: blush, pink, and white

  • Wrapped in brown paper and tied with ribbon

  • Available for delivery or pickup from Tenfold Collective in Lexington (includes a hydration sleeve to keep blooms fresh)

Make this Valentine’s Day unforgettable with a bouquet that speaks from the heart. Quantities are limited, so order early to ensure availability!